Having trouble logging in?
Post date: Aug 05, 2010 2:11:5 AM
Try these tips:
Forget your password? Fill out the "Sign up for Ecunet" form and check the box to request a password reset.
Depending on how you get to Ecunet (i.e. what link you follow), you may be presented with one of two login prompts:
If you are prompted to enter your Google account, as in the example below, enter your entire address (e.g. jane_doe@ecunet.org)
If you are prompted to sign in to your account at Ecunet (see example below), enter just your username without the @ecunet.org (e.g. jane_doe)
If you are already logged in to a Google account (another gmail account, YouTube login, etc.), log out and try again.
If you've logged in to your Ecunet account but can't see your groups, check the upper right hand corner. If there is a link that says login, click it.
Consider using the Google Toolbar in your browser. When you log in to the Google Toolbar using your Ecunet e-mail address, toolbar buttons can help you navigate easily to Ecunet mail, groups and other features.When you log in through the Google toolbar, iGoogle, etc., you need to provide your entire Ecunet address (e.g. firstname_lastname@ecunet.org).
When you log in through the Ecunet home page, notice that it is prompting for your Ecunet username, so use the form: firstname_lastname, without the @ecunet.org
If you are prompted over and over again to sign in with your Google Account (the light blue/gray menu above), try going to the http://mail.google.com/a/ecunet.org interface first. That seems to "reset" your connection to Google Apps and makes your Groups available again.