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Frequently Asked Questions
Are there tutorials for using the new Ecunet?
Can I use e-mail software to send/receive mail?
Do I need an address to participate?
Having trouble logging in?
How do I change my password?
How do I create a new group?
How do I create group folders in my Ecunet e-mail inbox?
How do I set up Apple Mail for Ecunet?
How do I subscribe/unsubscribe via e-mail?
Is there a member fee for the new Ecunet?
May I keep my e-mail address?
May I use dots instead of underscores for my e-mail address?
New Groups User Interface
Promoting your group
Sign in to multiple Google accounts?
Untitled Post
What about or
What are my options for connecting to Ecunet?
What are the requirements for user names and passwords?
What is a restricted group and when is it useful?
Why doesn't my group RSS feed work?
Illustrated steps for creating a group filter
Need help?
Recent notes from the Welcome group
Sept 14 message to members
September 24, 2010 message to all members
Sign up for Ecunet
Transition FAQs
Transitioning your group to the new Ecunet
Why doesn't my group RSS feed work?
Post date: Aug 22, 2010 4:5:54 AM
Is your group private? Only public groups can have an RSS feed.
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